jueves, 20 de septiembre de 2012

Dog Mendonça & Pizzaboy - Covers

Cover of our first graphic novel. Published by Tinta-da-China(PT) in 2010 and later on by Dark Horse Comics (USA) in May 2012.

Poster of the second graphic novel. Published by Tinta-Da-China in 2011.

Cover of the recopilation of short stories we worked for "Dark Horse Presents" magazine. Anounced for next October.

Poster for the upcoming Adventure Game of the series!

All pencils are from Juan Cavia, with me working on colors and final editing.

1 comentario:

  1. Hola,

    Estoy buscando un dibujante para una portada de libro. Como no encuentro el enlace con el mail escribo desde aquí el mío por si está interesado: neokenshin@gmail.com.

